
Legend of zelda link becomes a monster fanfiction
Legend of zelda link becomes a monster fanfiction

legend of zelda link becomes a monster fanfiction

You can read more on its naming origins here.

legend of zelda link becomes a monster fanfiction

Think of this place as the /r/Games of /r/Gaming.

legend of zelda link becomes a monster fanfiction

This subreddit is not about "true" fans but rather for more discussion oriented topics that do not find as much attention in our 2 million member sister subreddit /r/Zelda (among all the memes, art, and merchandise). For newer users it can come off as pretentious, but that is not the goal. It was a common naming pattern in the older years of reddit for a place focused on discussion (rather than memes, art, and merchandise). Discuss gameplay, story, tips, post the latest news, and anything else related to Zelda! It's where any kind of self-post that helps generate more in-depth discussion goes. The goal of this community is to provide a place for informative and interesting Zelda related content and discussions without all the extra fluff (images, video, fan art) from /r/Zelda.

Legend of zelda link becomes a monster fanfiction